
Good morning everyone! I’m chowing down during my lunch break but wanted to fit in a quick timely post before the spooOOoky season gets away from us!

On October 17th, I took Quinn to one of our favorite places to visit in the Autumn- Szalays!

We started by parking at the farm market and then walking the towpath.

It was a beautiful, yet chilly morning. It was a touch misty, so we pretty much had the trail to ourselves.

When Szalays opened around 10, we walked over to check out their Halloween decorations and corn maze.

This corn maze is notoriously challenging! This year was extra challenging in my opinion. ….Probably because I didn’t have DJ leading the way, lol. I’m not even good with directions outside a maze, so trying to read the little map was hopeless 😅. Quinn walked a bit but was over it after a while and just wanted to be held. My arms were like jello by the end, and I should have definitely brought the carrier or Gooseket along.

We found three out of eight pumpkins- not my best year 🥴. When she started signing “all done” I panicked a little because I had no clue how to get out, but thankfully we found the exit without too much trouble.

My little pumpkin in a pumpkin.

We are a big fan of tractors recently. Whenever she sees something with wheels she starts rolling her arms as she motions in “Wheels on the Bus”. It’s adorable!

And she had a ball dancing along to the skeleton marching band.

We also walked around Szalays a bit more admiring the seemingly endless carts of pumpkins.

To end our Szalays extravaganza, we found a toy rollercoaster car to push down a very muddy ramp on a very muddy hill. We were a mess after, but she was having a blast. Hearing her laugh every time she sent the coaster down the track was so worth trekking half of the mud in Ohio back into my car, ha!

We also swung on the giant Szalays swing after!! She was a big fan of that 😊.

And that wraps up our Szalays fun!!

Questions for you:

– What has been your favorite part of fall?

– Did you/do you have plans to dress up this year? DJ chose our costumes this year, will share that post soon 😄.



4 thoughts on “Szalays!

  1. It was pushing 80 here this past weekend and the leaves were at peak color change, so we took our motorcycles out and it was phenomenal! I’m dressed as a fantasy football player as I write this: football jersey with leggings, tube socks, and black smudges under my eyes with a matching tutu and fairy wings. 😅

  2. Love love toddlers at Szaleys, the best!! She is too cute for words and love the skeleton dance! What a sweetie!!! Very fun blog! love, Gigi

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