A Mini Friday Favorites!

Hi everyone! It is Friday! WOOHOO! I actually have plans with a friend tonight- look at me being social. DJ is studying for finals, but we have a couple days in March planned to explore Austin together a bit more. I am doing a little mini Friday Favorites post with five instead of ten faves. After publishing this I have about seventy pages of textbook to read (Smalls 2.0), but at least I have something to look forward to, right?! Let’s get tooo ittt!!!!

  1. WEIGHTED BLANKETS! I am officially on the weighted blanket train. These are, wow, do I even have the words?! I received the one below for my birthday and am obsessed. They are a little bit on the pricy side- but worth it. I feel like I’m sinking into my bed at night and get the most sound sleep. It has definitely cut down on the amount of time it takes for me to fall asleep too. I was skeptical about them, but they live up to the hype in my insomniac opinion!3a8fd004-e4c0-4a22-99ed-f4c6d9c2fb11
  2.  The Silent Patient. Psychological thrillers are probably my favorite genre to read for straight entertainment value. This book did not disappoint. It’s a fast read and the ending has one of the best twists I’ve read in a while. The writing is intriguing and surprisingly profound at times too.img_0863
  3. SeaSnax Roasted Seaweed! Okay, this is definitely not for everyone, but I lovee roasted seaweed as a snack. I often get a little craving for it in the afternoon. One of my friends sent me a massive pack for my birthday because she remembered this was one of my favorite snacks in college (so thoughtful!).  This specific brand has a variety of flavors; I have the BBQ flavor and .oh. mannnn….. they are tasty!! (You can get them online from their website, Thrive Market or Amazon).img_0856
  4.  Fanola No Yellow Shampoo. I cannot remember if I already included this in another Faves, I feel like I may have, but here it is again… the most affordable and effective purple shampoo I have ever tried. I only use it about once every couple weeks, but it keeps those blonde tones nice and cool. Highly recommend.img_0864
  5. Oven-baked Cheese Bites with Black Summer Truffle. Need I say more?! I mean….cheese…truffle….cheese…truffle………. OVEN-BAKED cheese truffle. Imported from Italy. Trader Joe’s. Cheese truffle! Little morsels from heaven, I’ll tell ya what. 4fa5dd1f-62d6-4ecb-907e-0c5bc795212b

Alrighty that’s all for now. Time to get crackin’ on the cardiovascular system. Hope you all are well! …  I’m strangely nervous to publish this for some reason! It’s been a hot second since I’ve made a post, so I have those beginner nerves coming back, eek!

xo <3


**Disclosure: There are affiliated Amazon links in this post! All ideas and opinions are my own**

62 thoughts on “A Mini Friday Favorites!

  1. Oh I totally need to try that purple shampoo! I found one… I’ll have to remember the brand… that was pretty affordable but I don’t feel like it’s super effective. Hope you have the best Friday and weekend!

    1. Yes yes!! It’s like magic!! My hair tends to go brassy easily, and this does the trick and lasts too. I hope you do too, Taylor! Thanks so much for stopping in 🙂

    1. Hi, Kalpana! Yay!!! It’s a good one, an easy read- and the ending is crazy! Enjoy!! 🙂

    1. Yes!! It really has been a game changer with my sleep. Hope you enjoy! Have a great week, Kathy 🙂

    1. Yesss! It is SO good! Have you tried the weighted ones? Thanks for stopping in, Chanelle 🙂

  2. Yay for plans tonight!! Can’t wait! I actually put on makeup for possibly the first time this week – haha!

    I love seaweed as a snack! Picked up the habit in Korea. I must try those seashax! I also sent Kyle to TJ’s to get some of those cheese bites…you speak my food love language. Can’t wait to try them!

    Loved these recommendations!

    1. Haha wow I am so behind on these comments! But that was the best. Can’t wait for our next girls night! And yesssss- you will love the seasnax! They have a variety of flavors I want to try too.

      Food really needs to be a formal love language, I think “gifts” is actually “food” if we look closer, lol.

  3. Mackenzie – you’re the first person I know who has tried a weighted blanket – I saw them just before Christmas time where I go grocery shopping (yes, they have everything) and wondered about them. The book sounds good. Studying the cardiovascular system … well that is fitting since it is the tail end of heart month after all!

    1. I am a big advocate of them- it’s really worked wonders for my sleep. I feel more rested in the mornings too!

      Ohhh yes that’s so true! I didn’t even put that together. Thanks for stopping in & reading, Linda!

    1. Of course! I hope you enjoy, Miriam 🙂 Thanks for stopping in and have a great week ahead too!! <3

  4. Yay! I hope you had fun with your friend! You deserve a break, Mackenzie! I think I need to get on the weighted blanket train asap! Also, I will have to check out that book! Psychological thrillers always suck me in… but then I have bad dreams for like a month haha. Maybe it’s not too crazy?!

    1. YES! I think you will loveee the weighted blanket, so calming, like a hug! And yesss, this one is pretty wild, I will say- especially the ending.. but leading up to the end it’s not tooo bad hahah. Thanks for stopping in, Allie 🙂 Hope you are having a nice start to the week.

    1. I’m surprised the number of people that love seaweed as much as I do here! It really is such a tasty little snack. Thanks so much for stopping in, Jess- have a great week (ps. are you watching the Bach finale tonight?!?)

      1. We watched some of it, but I had work today so we had to shut it down so I could sleep! Tonight we’re going to try to watch the conclusion of yesterday and today’s episode 😬 did you get to see it?

      2. Hope you are caught up now! But in the light of all going on doesn’t the Bachelor seem like years ago? I hope you are safe and well, Jess <3

      3. Yes it does! March has felt like the longest month of life. I just keep hearing in my head, “just keep swimming.” I hope you guys are doing well too!

  5. I’m using L’Oréal’s purple shampoo, but it’s hard to maintain because my hair is black. I’m going to need to visit the salon soon to get a toner! Hope you’ve enjoyed the weekend! 🥰

    1. Ohhh yes I hear that, it’s all about that main toner and then working to maintain. Thanks for stopping in, Sophia 🙂 Have a beautiful week ahead!

  6. Hey there Mackenzie! I heard about these weighted blankets… I may want to try one! I love feeling all cuddled when going to sleep!

    Have fun with that Cardio Vascular System! 😄😄😄

    1. that’s exactly how they feel, so you would love a weighted blanket!!

      Thanks so much, Nancy! Lol. I took my test over it on Saturday so I can breathe a bit now (“a bit” is the keyword, hehe). Have a great week & thanks for stopping in!

  7. I’ve been wondering how those weighted blankets are – I may need to break down and buy one. I am a big seaweed fan, or I was, until I ate too many in one day. haha.

    1. Hi, Pam!! Thanks for stopping in 🙂 I hope you can try a weighted blanket out soon- it really has helped sooo much with my sleep. And haha I totally hear that about the seaweed! Have a great week!

    1. Right?! I hope you can try out of the truffle cheese bites soon- so goooood!!! Thanks for stopping in, Ashley! Have a great week 🙂

  8. Weighted blankets are the best!! I love mine and Alex now sleeps with it so sometimes I find he pulls it over during the night haha so we might need to get a larger one.

    I’ve had cheese bites like that before and they’re addicting. Adding truffle to them might just force me to eat the entire bag in one sitting ha. Have a great week 🙂

    1. Hi Maureen!!! Yes they are!! Funny enough- I juts heard they are starting to make them in larger sizes. Hahah, DJ was stealing mine too, so I got him one for Valentine’s Day.. now I wish I had looked into the larger ones, but didn’t even know they existed till now!

      They are sooo addicting!!! I hope you can try them out soon. They are a Trader Joe’s “all time” find. Thanks for stopping in and have a great week!

      1. Okay now I need to work on finding a bigger one so he doesn’t steal it haha. I’ve just started pulling more of it to my side of the bed to prevent him from taking it.

        Ugh I wish I knew that before I went Sunday. What section did you find them in? I’m totally looking this weekend!

      2. Yesss haha, let me know if you do because I may upgrade to a bigger one too.

        Shoot, I can’t remember- Either they were on display as as featured product or in the chips section! Hope you can find them easily!! Let me know what you think when you do try um’ 🙂

    1. Aww I’m so glad to lend the recommendation! I hope you enjoy 🙂 It’s one of the better ones I’ve read in a while. Enjoy your getaway and so good to hear from you, Kim! <3

      1. I’m so glad to hear <3 I hope you are safe and well during these crazy times

      2. Thank you, Mackenzie! I hope you and yours are doing well…
        We are trying to find peace amid long line-ups at our local grocery/drug stores, empty shelves and panic buying…endless cups of tea helps!

      3. thank you <3 I totallly understand too- these are weird times we are living in. I agree though- my tea intake has certainly been increased these last couple weeks!! About to go have some chamomile now : ) Have a safe and healthy rest of the weekend, Kim!

      4. Thank you so much, Mackenzie! Our beautiful province (British Columbia) is leading the way in slightly flattening the curve…I hope we can remain strong and vigilant during these challenging days going forward so we can “plank” the curve.

      5. Aw I love to hear that!!! 🙏🏻praying for strength and health for all.

    1. Hey Pamela!! I really hope you can try one soon- they are awesome!! Thanks for stopping in 🙂 Hope you are having a great week.

    1. YES!!! Ooh my goodness, they are little flavor-bombs, excited for you to try! Thanks for stopping in, Chelsea! Hope you are having a great start to the week 🙂

  9. Goodness, 70 pages to read!? I hope you managed to tackle all your assignments and get to enjoy your spring break! I bought Stephen a weighted blanket for his birthday and he loves it. I ordered the 20 pound one and it’s so snug! The Silent Patient sounds like an intriguing book — I’ll have to add it to my list. Thanks for sharing some of your favorites, Mackenzie! ❦

    1. Thank you, Stephanie! We did get to enjoy a bit before all this chaos ensued. Weighted blankets are definitely a must (especially right now- anxiety is up a bit!). Thanks for reading, and I hope you are safe and well <3

  10. YES to weighted blankets. Wanted to get one for CL but wasnt sure if he would be into it, mainly because he uncovers himself at night a lot but I’m still considering it due to his special needs. I know I’ve tried to make my own “weighted blanket” by stacking blankets upon blankets before I go to bed and even though it gets really hot (lol) I had the best sleep ever when I feel all that weight on me. It’s comforting.
    I know I definitely did come across The Silent Patient but cannot remember if I added it to my TBR list or not. Anyway, made me think of you when I saw the title and that it was a thriller lol.
    The oven baked cheese bites sound wonderful!

    1. Aren’t they the BEST?!?! I agree, they are so so comforting. The cheese bites are soo good & addictive- maybe a good thing I didn’t stock up on them in quarantine because I could eat the whole bag in a sitting haha.

  11. I’ve heard so many great things about weighted blankets! I may need to get one when winter rolls around but I def don’t need help sleeping so maybe I shouldn’t. 😂 Would love to try those TJ’s cheese snacks! & so glad to hear you enjoyed The Silent Patient! ♡

    1. Haha, I really think they are worth a try even if you are a good sleeper- because maybe it will help you sleep eeeeven more soundly! I am a die-hard fan of the blankets (can ya tell, lol)- I actually brought mine with me where I’m staying now, and I have been sleeping amazingly! The truffle bites are just little explosions of flavor- hope you can try sometime 🙂 Thanks for stopping in, love!

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