It’s 2024!

Hey everyone! It’s 2024! I know that’s how “time” works, but 2023 flew faster than any year yet.

Speaking of 2023, I have a few last moments to record!

December 26th Gigi and Amy stopped while Quinn napped. We drank coffee while chatting up a storm, as we do. It helped big time having them there because I was having a case of the post-holiday blues!

December 27th Quinn had a doctors appointment and we ran into my friend, Rachel, who works at that campus! She was with her dog, Trotter, who is a highly trained facility dog for kids. It was such a fun run-in. Rach even gave Quinn a little stuffed dog she had just received at a photo shoot for Trotter.

December 30th, DJ and I took Quinn to the Akron Children’s Museum in Akron. Before we walked in, there was a room of festive character displays.

We also saw the largest snowman, probably in history?

The museum was a blast!! It was different than I expected, but in a good way. I thought it was going to be larger and more science-based, but it’s actually a giant playzone!! This is going to be an awesome option throughout the winter.

At the coloring station, DJ and I realized how hard it is to draw a star with even sides. No seriously, why is it so hard? These were our pathetic attempts!

There were so many different fun stations.

On December 31st, NYE, we went to the Rainforest at CLE Zoo.

Quinn loved the leopard and the monkeys!

We had zero plans for NYE, which I didn’t mind one bit! Although I did have dinner plans. Amy and Chris had recently been to Italy and brought us back pasta, sauce and a truffle oil. I died with excitement when she gave them to us. So I decided to make it for NYE, and it did not disappoint. Quinn was a huge fan too!

We were asleep way before midnight 😆.

January 1st, we went to my brother’s house to make up for not seeing them on the 23rd. It was the perfect start to the New Year, seeing them all ❤️.

We had Panera and then opened gifts with the kids. My brother and SIL got Quinn a Minnie Mouse airplane push car. The kids were loving it and all taking turns on it pushing each other around!

Some New Years thoughts:

– I was really hoping to be pregnant again by now, and that’s not the case. I have totally come to peace that this is in God’s timing, not mine. It’s a great lesson right now in patience, surrender, hope and contentedness. I am also so grateful for my Quinnie; she’s my little miracle, and I’m soaking up each undivided moment with her in this waiting season ❤️.

– Three books in my queue that I have yet to finish this year: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb, Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score and Open Book by Jessica Simpson. I’ve really fallen off my reading grind, and I’m looking forward to prioritizing it again. I’m not setting a lofty goal of number of books, but I would like to finish these at least!

– I plan to continue to heal and nourish my body. Quite counter to the usual resolution of losing weight, I’d like to learn to be at peace where my body is happiest and healthiest.

That’s really all I got!

Questions for you:

– Any New Year’s resolutions?

– What is something you’re looking forward to this year?



18 thoughts on “It’s 2024!

  1. Another fun, wonderful blog but I am still chuckling over DJ’s and your star drawings! Why is this so funny to me? May have to mention on the podcast. Also totally agree all is in God’s timing, and God already knows who and when you will be pregnant again with, so although so hard to wait, we can learn in the waiting and see God’s beautiful plan for us down the road. We love you all. Gigi ( and we loved our chatting day after Christmas as well)

  2. I hope I can do the comments correctly this time. I keep thinking it didn’t work and so that’s why you end up with multiple comments from me. Geez.
    Happy New Year. Loved all the photos. I loved taking my boys to all the museums, zoos, etc.
    I don’t really do official resolutions. I am going to finish reading and studying the Bible this year. I’m about halfway. And then next year, I’ll start again!
    This year I’m looking forward to seeing the new updated Lakeside cottage!!
    God Bless!

  3. I have often thought I knew of how something should happen, and more often than not it turned out better than I planned. Not always but quite often. Easy to say but hard to believe, though. Same with our home search, which I’m honestly tired of even hearing myself mention it. I have faith the timing will be just right for you and DJ to have a second sweet baby.

    I love all of these activities. Quinn looks like she had a blast.

    I don’t ever have a resolution. Instead, I do try setting intentions, though I am not perfect with maintaining them. This year I’ve been journaling almost daily and trying to stay in a positive frame of mind. Less comparison, more confidence in our life and situation, staying present and not worrying about the future. I’m looking forward to finally buying and moving. It has to happen this year somehow.

    1. Thank you so much, Kori. You are SO wise, and your support and encouragement means the world.

      These are fantastic intentions and inspire me!! I am so hopeful for you all that this is the year for your new home. Thank you for going through all the ups and downs with me, Kori!! I’m always here for you too!

  4. Always grateful to read about your life updates and see how well you can look on the bright side of things. Happy 2024!!

  5. It is fun to watch what fascinates Quinn the most … the zoo animals really delighted her and the museum/playzone with her nose pressed up against the glass. So cute Mackenzie. She is growing up quickly, your sweet baby and there will be a baby to add to your family when the time is right. Hopefully soon for Quinn to have a sibling/playmate fairly close in age.

      1. Let there always be magical times with animals around as they will delight Quinn – it will keep her young at heart (I say that from experience).

  6. P.S. – I was supposed to retire 12/31/23 but my boss asked me to stay on a couple more months … so that is what I am looking forward to the most this year. 🙂

  7. One of my resolutions for this year is to be more committed to workouts, especially running! And I look forward to us traveling as a family. We have a Florida trip coming up, and we’re also taking the kids to Canada. So lots to look forward to this year!! 🙂

    1. Aw yay! Sooo much to look forward to!!! Are you going to Disney in FL? I loved seeing this comment from you- how are you?! How are the kids?! Hope this year is off to a great start for y’all 😊

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