Merry Christmas! 🎄

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

16 thoughts on “Merry Christmas! 🎄

      1. It is amazing sometimes how our brain perceives things – I proofread my comments now because a fellow blogger her in Michigan was worried because I was commenting and nodded off and had a sentence filled with some gobbledy-gook. I commented on her post, then went to bed. She wrote me back “Linda are you okay – are you still there?” Poor Ruth thought I had a stroke as I had written such an incoherent message. It is not the first time I have nodded off … not getting older, as I had a few professors in my day that I routinely nodded off as they bored me to tears. 🙂 Happy New Year to you and your family!

      2. Totally! Isn’t that interesting!

        Oh no!!! I’m glad you were all right and it was just sleepiness that got ya!

        Happy New Year!!

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