Our Texas Christmas- Part 2!

hey y’all! I am soo far behind on these posts, and I feel like I’m moving at a snail’s pace getting them out. My goal is to catch up before starting back up at school in a few days! Oh, and this is entirely foodie laden, so have your snacks in hand need be 😉

The last post ended after an awesome run Christmas Day. Around 3:00/4:00 pm, a couple neighbors came over to have lots of appetizers & a phenomenal dinner.


My mom’s neighbor brought over this gorgeous cheese spread with olives and tomato garnish with a wonderful oil drizzle. It was the best cheese spread ever.


My mom also made her homemade guac which is to-die-for.


We went out onto the patio to enjoy some wine, scrumptious appetizers, and great conversation.


Dinner time! We had roasted green beans & potatoes…


Dinner rolls.. (a must)..


Wild rice…


Roasted butternut squash & craisins…


Halibut for us pescatarians.. (gosh this was guuuud)…


And beautiful Cornish hens for the meat eaters! I tried a tiny bite of DJ’s out of curiosity, and although I don’t care for the taste of meat usually, this was very tasty! DJ kept talking about how much he loved them too.


That is a meal I will remember for a looong time. After dinner we played What Do You Meme? OFFICIALLY my favorite game.


Dessert was a mix of Christmas cookies, french silk pie, and Pete’s famous pumpkin crunch.


Pete’s pumpkin crunch is one of the things I look forward to most during the holidays. It’s basically pumpkin pie meets cake meets alll your dreams come true. Ya just load it up with cool whip and you are good to go!


In the evening we started A Star Is Born. We only made it halfway through before going to sleep. Even from the first half of the movie I was amazed by Lady Gaga’s acting & of course Bradley Cooper was outstanding as always. The story line was gripping.

In the morning of December 26th, we went for a nice long run and then I had some of my mom’s vegan pesto pizza & a couple hard boiled egg whites for a protein boost.


The day was sooo relaxing. We lounged around most of the day, watched an episode of The Great British Baking show, I blogged a bit, and then in the evening we went to Fogo De Chao. The weather was horrible getting there (there were tornado warnings all over the place, but has that ever stopped us from hunting down food?!). We have all been talking about going here for a while since my mom, Pete, and DJ haven’t tried a Brazilian Steakhouse before. So we all thought why not give it a try! (I had been to one in high school when I still ate meat that was incredible, but was dying to try it out again! Their veggie options are tremendous too).


You can choose to do the meat + feijoda bar or just the feijoda bar (veggies galore, meats, cheeses, smoked salmon, unique dishes, hot dishes, breads, etc.). If you choose to do the meats, they come around with multiple cuts of amazing meats, and if you have your card on the “green” side (meaning you would like a cut of the meat off the skewer) or they pass your table if you have the “red” side (meaning I’m okay…. for now).


The brought out these bread rolls, pao de quiejo, which I was immediately obsessed with. They were so light, delicious, fluffy, and had a cheddar flavor that lingered on the tongue after a bite.


Here are some pics from the bar! Some of my favorites were the smoked salmon, beets, hearts of palm, and various cheeses.


Since we came on a Wednesday, bottles of wine were half off- woohoo!!! We split a Chilean red, and oh MY, I’ve heard Chile wine is great from my sister who has been there, but goodnessss, this stuff was top-notch.


The picture below shows an example of them coming by with the skewer and meat being shaved off table side! You can see on the table that DJ has the green side up meaning he would, in fact, like more meat.


They also brought out some sides from the kitchen that blew our socks off. The polenta sticks may have been my favorite, the caramelized bananas were sweet and delicious, and the creamy garlic mashed potatoes probably speak for themselves!


Once we came home I snuck in a couple snuggles with this little pup. She loves me, I promise… even though she looks a bit unsure… haha.


We finished A Star is Born that evening too. Talk about a tear jerker!! Goodness that movie is so well done and so darn emotive. Have tissues if you watch.

Questions for you:

  • Best movie or TV show you’ve watched recently?

xo <3


79 thoughts on “Our Texas Christmas- Part 2!

    1. Hey, Tiffany!! Thanks so much girl 🙂 Isn’t that game such a blast?! I am gonna take it to literally any friend or family function now haha.

  1. Still watching The Office over here! 😉

    Ohmygoshhhh I would’ve been all about that vegetarian bar! Beets, smoked salmon, cheese-on-cheese…yes, please! Between that and your spread the night before, I am absolutely drooling. And I just had breakfast a little more than an hour ago! What a wonderful post full of delish noms!

    1. Yayyy!! I am sooo happy you are enjoying it!

      Girl– you would have luh-ved that sides bar- it had alll good yummy, fresh, healthy eats you could dream of! Kinda like an upscale whole foods bar! (Also it was only $26 for just the sides including the hot sides from the kitchen- not super cheap, but totally a bang for the buck when going out for a nice dinner- and Fogo is a chain so I bet y’all could find one).

      Glad you are enjoying all the food- I realized that is what 99% of my holiday posts ended up being, hehe.

  2. Ohmygosh all that food looks sooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooood. Especially the guac, cheese platter the neighbor brought over, and everything at the Brazilian restaurant. You’re so lucky to have all your wonderful family to do fun family stuff with!

    1. Hi, Jinjer!! Thank you so much for stopping by!!! It was a blessed Christmas season for sure- we didn’t get to celebrate last year so we were so thankful to this year. Have a wonderful week!

    1. It is a blast !! Thanks so much for stopping in, Christina! I hope you have a great week ahead 🙂

  3. ummmm yum! those rolls look yummy, I may have to go search out a recipe for those. We have been to a place like that restaurant before they have SOOOooo much yummy food in so many types. They are usually super expensive, but with all you can eat, it’s not too bad

    1. The rolls didn’t look like much, but they were surprisingly delicious!!! Like you said- the selection at Brazilian restaurants is just incredible. Definitely a nice experience to have at least once in your life! Thank you for stopping in, it means a lot. Have a wonderful week!

  4. Oh my gosh, everything looks delightful 😍🤤🤤!! I’ve been wanting to see A Star Is Born, but being extra emotional lately I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle it haha!

  5. I’m trying to decide if you live in an area that literally is FULL of amazing foodies, if you’re just good at choosing the right spots to eat, OR if you’re just an incredible food photographer. Maybe it’s a mix of all of those, but – either way – I am always drooling over your blog posts! HA!!! This all looks SO amazing!
    And I think I need to buy that meme game!!!

    1. AWW haha, I will say both SF and Texas have some terrific finds. Also our favorite past time is researching and trying new restaurants so we’re probably bound to stumble upon a few good ones 😉 Thank you though- that is so sweet of you to say!

      What do you meme is so fun! It can be a bit inappropriate at times, but there is a clean deck vs. not clean- so we stay away from the explicit cards (although there are a few mixed in the so called clean pile)- -great adult game with people you are comfortable with hehe!! xo

  6. The halibut looks amazing- I can’t remember the last time I’ve had any. I have been to a similar type of Brazilian steakhouse and their side dishes and salads are seriously the best. The cheesy bread is my favorite too!

    1. Yesss! I love that there are a variety of Brazilian steakhouses because even if Fogo isn’t around we will have other options! And with the variety there is truly something for everyone. The cheesy bread was just soooo deliciously dreamy. I am craving that! Have a great day, Shan! Thanks tons for stoppin in 🙂

  7. A Star Is Born made me sob uncontrollably in the theatre!! I loved it thought!!

    Favorite TV show lately is Full House… haha! I am rematching them in my spare time. But if I am with my family we have been LOVING Justified!


    1. me. toooo. We just watched it at home- I can’t imagine what it would have been like to have the theater experience on top of it!

      Awwww Full House is such a classic. Girl, have you been to SF? If you ever visit I’ll take ya to Painted Ladies 🙂

      Ohh where do you watch Justified?! I’m looking for a new series- kinda in a rut right now. Although I did start The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel which is pretty good!

      1. I have never been to SF!!! I am dying to go!! 🙂

        Hmmm I think we watch it through our Amazon Fire Stick through the Amazon Prime. It’s a really good show!!

      2. You would loveeeee it.

        Awesome!! I have Prime so I’ll have to check it out 🙂

  8. What a spread, from your mom’s house to the restaurant … did you at least bring Jade home a petite doggy bag? Sweet pictures of you and Jade and oh yes … you and DJ as well. 🙂 All I can say is that your mom and Pete have some pretty awesome cooking skills and they sure keep in shape despite being foodies and good cooks. I am looking forward to the next installment of vacation which I saw when scrolling down in Reader – I was behind as I didn’t venture into Reader yesterday. I haven’t seen this version of “A Star is Born” nor the original, just the one with Barbara Streisand and Kris Kristofferson. I had heard that this movie was to the runaway winner at the Golden Globes last night and many were surprised “Bohemian Rhapsody” took more awards. I’ve seen some clips … I would like to see it some day.

    1. hehe- aww we should have definitely taken her a bag- although I think she was content with her stocking goodies for the time being 😉

      Aww oh my goodness I’ll send this comment to my mom & pete- they will be so appreciative! We always look forward to going there for 1. Seeing them & little jadey and 2. THE FOOD! hehe.

      I just learned that there was an original A Star is Born, and after seeing this one I’d really like to see it. I wonder where I could download it.. hmmmm.

      I haven’t seen Bohemian Rhapsody, but I was surprised anything beat out A Star is Born! Thanks for stopping in, always love our convos! Have a great day 🙂

      1. Hehe yes she will! 🙂

        Oh interesting! I’m definitely excited to check out the previous versions when time allows!!

        Have a great weekend, Linda! School is a bear right now, so I’m sorry if I am MIA on here for a bit 🙁

      2. Oh, that’s understandable Mackenzie – you got the most out of your time off from school which makes it easier to get back to studying. You seem to measure out your time well to afford yourself some down time, so don’t dedicate too much to being here … we will wait for you. 🙂 It’s too bad that you and DJ aren’t doing grad school at the same time … hopefully DJ’s applications are progressing nicely and he hears something soon.

      3. AW thank you, linda!! This means so much <3 <3 The funny thing is we will finish grad school about the same time since my program is longer than his! hehe. I feel like I'm gonna be in school forever, but I know it's going to go by fast. Have a wonderful week, my dear friend!

      4. Oh that would be great then – it works out perfectly and how wonderful when you’re both done and have your down time back. You have a great week too Mackenzie – first full week of school is bound to be tough.

      5. Yes exactly! 🙂 I already feel like I have everything under control again- phew!

      6. Good deal – it is hard to keep it all together and juggle everything sometimes without being overwhelmed. At least you’ll have a three-day weekend coming up as school will be closed, but likely homework will intrude into that long weekend.

      7. Aw definitely!! It did interfere a weeee-tiny bit, but barely! We actually had a wonderful time in San Diego with my parents. Can’t wait to share 🙂 Hope you had a great weekend yourself, Linda!

      8. It was a quiet weekend – we had the 6-inch snowfall and it has been bitter cold, third day of this, time to hunker down in the house and get some things done here … my feet will get a break for now. 🙂

      9. Oh my! 6 inches is intense! I knew OH got an insane amount of snowfall, but makes sense MI would too. Stay safe & warm!

      10. Thanks Mackenzie – yes, Ohio got a ton of snow I heard … a fellow blogger lives in Ohio on the other side of Lake Erie she says – she told me her husband had to stay at work as they were shorthanded and her grandkids were there visiting and their mom couldn’t come get them as it was treacherous roads. We have freezing rain right now – it has melted some of that snow but looks like a skating rink right now on the driveway.

      11. Oh wow- that sounds so dangerous. Ahh. Hopefully all that crazy icy weather will get better soon. have a great weekend, Linda!

      12. I hope that Mother Nature changes her mind – you have a good weekend too Mackenzie … I’m going to try and tackle those camera videos this weekend. Probably won’t use the camera for awhile though in this snowy and brutal weather.

  9. I love how you are starting your posts with disclaimers about the food pictures now and warnings to grab snacks, lol! It’s so true because I always come away hungry, lol. What an amazing Christmas feast! We almost had Cornish hens for Thanksgiving and then decided against it. I’m glad to hear they were good!! We were talking about watching “A Star is Born” soon! Good to know that it’s such a great movie. 🙂

    1. Hehe- glad the post lived up to the warning 😉

      Oh girl HIGHLY recommend the cornish hens! I think next time for Thanksgiving that I host I’ll try to make them too. I don’t care for meat as you know- but they were so juicy with tons of flavor. Definitely a great choice for the meat dish!

      Ohhh let me know what you think when you finally watch A Star is Born… the movie de-stroy-ed me. So well done. <3

      1. That’s so great to know about cornish hens! I always thought they would taste like miniature chickens lol.

        I think we may watch it tonight, but I’m not certain! Gotta feel okay to cry I guess haha.

      2. Hehe they do, but for some reason I feel like they had even more flavor than regular chicken! Then again I’m not the expert on that 😉

        Hehe- yes definitely have to be in the mood!! Whatever you end up doing this weekend have fun & enjoy!

  10. Hahaha I love how you gave us a snack in hand warning. 😂 We’re going to dinner now so I know I’ll be starving at the end of this post but can’t ruin my appetite just yet LOL dang it.

    I was right. Every single thing looks wonderful & made me drool a little more! 🤤 I’ve never seen that Meme card game hahah how silly & fun!!

    I’ve always heard good things about Fogo De Chao! Boyfriend & I have never been to a Brazilian steakhouse yet either. It def looks top-notch! Must try!

    Also keep hearing rave reviews on A Star Is Born film!! Love Bradley Cooper & Lady Gaga! ♡

    1. haha hope you enjoyed some yummies since reading this post!!

      Have you played Cards against humanity? That’s what Do You Meme is like but in meme style!

      Ohhh you would LOVE Fogo! It’s a great special occasion spot for sure.

      A Star is Born is a must see- but definitely have to be in the right mood for it- it’s intenseeeee. Have a great weekend, girl! xoxo

      1. I’ve never gotten a chance to play Cards Against Humanity either. I always see memes about it though ahhaha. ;D

        Ooh I love an intense film, I can’t wait to see it. Hope it will be on Netflix or Hulu soon lol. <3 Have a great weekend, too!!!

  11. I feel like this post is a sign! I’ve been trying to plan out a nice little dinner plan for the hubs and I to surprise him and a Brazilian steakhouse was at the top of my list. We’ve been to a couple and we both loved it! Now you’ve talked me into it 😉

  12. Omg, the food is absolutely amazing, you’ve probably had this comment a million times in your blog but WOW. And I love these brazilian places too, urgh talk about eating till your heart’s content amirite!

    1. Awww thank you so much! This comment made me smile big timee.

      And seriously—- I always wish I had an extra stomach when I go to them, they are just phenomenal! Have a great week, girl :)Thanks for stopping in!

  13. Such a nice spread of food and nice the neighbors came over! That pumpkin crunch and french silk pie look so tasty. Cute couple pic of you two by the fireplace. That Brazilian restaurant looks like a place I would like to try. That wine looks good from where I am sitting. Aww I am sure it is nice to relive memories with you and your dog. great photo Mackenzie. I will check out “A star is born” . We watch Chicago pd, fire , med shows. We dvr them as they happen when kids are being put to bed. Take care , Terri xo.

    1. Hi, Terri! Thank you for stopping by! Definitely recommend a Brazilian steakhouse if you get a chance. A Star is Born will pull at your heart strings for sure. All Chicago shows are great!! I am not caught up, but loved watching Chicago med for a long time. Hope you had a great weekend 🙂

  14. I think I could live on guacamole! I remember my in-laws making Cornish hens. They liked them because one like light meat and the other liked dark, so the could just share one and it was a perfect size. They are rather tasty. My daughter and I went to a Brazilian steakhouse on a soccer trip. So much food!! So many choices!! 🙂

  15. Ok Ok Ok that cheese, tomato garnish and olive dip looks AMAZING! I need some of that in my life pronto.

    The food spread you had with the neighbors and your Brazilian dinner has me envious! Man everything looks so delicious and I just ate lunch, so I’m not even hungry! ha

    The photo of you two in front of the fireplace is adorable. <3

    That sweet pup looks so adorable. I'm sure she's glad to have had you home.

    Best TV show is The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel! But you already knew that. 😉

    1. It truly was amazing!!! And actually the whole combo is pretty simple- but just so guuud!

      YESS! Since we’ve been out of town this past weekend I have missed watching Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, but cannot wait to get back to it. I just love the time era it’s set in & I’m a sucker for stand-up comedy- it’s just all good things in a SHOW! Love love love!

  16. You can never go wrong with smoked salmon! I saw the what do you meme? game a short while ago and was wondering whether I should buy it because it looks like it’ll be a lot of fun, although not sure at all how the game works! But I definitely have to buy it if you’re saying it’s the best! Hope you had a lovely Christmas! 🙂

    1. Oh girl, it’s so much fun, highly recommend!- and super easy too! It’s like cards against humanity or apples to apples (but way better) if you have ever played either of those games. Let me know what you think when you get the chance to play 🙂 Hope you did too, love! xo

  17. Wow what a spread!!!!!!! I’m so jealous!!!!! It all looks mouth watering! I need to try halibut, I’ve only had salmon, tilapia, and cod haha. And some other one that Hispanics usually fry whole haha
    And that what do you meme game looks like loads of fun I’ll have to go and find it. I laughed a bit too hard at that seal one 🤣🤣
    Is the first photo the silk pie? What is in it? I’m so intrigued. I’ve never heard of such dessert before.
    And omg I swear, we have a Fogo de Chao here too!!!!! We just have never been but I really really want to!! Especually after seeing this post. I’ll have to ask Alex because I’m pretty sure we would need to leave CL with my cousin or something, it might be a disaster to go with him and he probably wouldn’t eat anything from there anyway. I love the concept of them coming around if you want more, how cool.
    And I’m loving those photos of your pup!! Sophie was being mean to me today almost lunging at me because she was annoyed with me 😭😭😭 she doesn’t bite but it’s the way she reacts sometimes that hurts my feelings lol. Jk. I do wish I had a bigger pup to cuddle with. Sophie isn’t a cuddler. She just likes to be near us. Preferably untouched. Shes old, makes sense haha. She barely even likes puppies too, but she tolerates them lol.

    1. Ohhh Halibut is just delicious! It is heartier than other fishes I’d say, and is usually paired with yummy sauces! Girl, What Do You Meme is too darn delicious. French Silk Pie is basically a rich chocolatey mousse-ey type pie! It’s so light & delicious! Ahhh I hope you can go to Fogo soon- it’s just scrumptious! It’s a great anniversary type or special occasion of place for sure.

      Aww Sophie!! Oh my gosh, I bet that would hurt your feelings- what a diva! lol. Thanks for reading- your comments made my morning 🙂

      1. I’ll have to try it then. I might have seen it in a few menus but never tried it because I wasn’t sure lol.
        I saw WDYM at target and almost got it! I have to convince Alex because he just let me get the NES Classic Edition haha
        Oooh that actually does sound super good!!

      2. Oh it’s delicious! Can’t go wrong with it 🙂

        haha- ahh it’s so worth it!! As soon as you do get it– i can’t wait for you to play it. Oh how I wish we could just all have a game night together! Hope you had a great weekend, beautiful!

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