Home & Nursery Tour!

Hi all!! I finally finished up our house and nursery- I wanted to document it and give a little tour. In terms of decoration, I  wanted to do something a little more playful/unique for now, and then maybe transition to something more timeless later on. Thanks for sharing in this exciting time with us! 😊

Living Room 


Dining Room

These three pictures above are ones I took from each of the states we have lived together since being married (minus a short time in Indiana when we finished up undergrad). From left to right: California, Texas and Ohio. 

Guest Room 

And… the Nursery!
Baby blanket below is from her great-grandmother, Mimi <3. 

Of course, we’ll make sure there is nothing in the crib when she actually uses it 🙂 

Thank you for sharing in such an exciting time with our family!



22 thoughts on “Home & Nursery Tour!

  1. Such beautiful details! The whole house looks amazing, but the nursery takes the cake for me! I love the garland around the mirror and the beaded curtain holder–so many beautiful things to surround baby girl with!

  2. Truly a beautiful, calm and tranquil home. Until…Baby Girl takes over her princess realm! You will have a place full of love, joy and toys! God Bless!

  3. Your home is phenomenal! So well decorated and inviting. You already know that I adore the nursery! You did an incredible job. So many lovely details and finishes that make it special.

  4. Your home and the baby’s room look so inviting … cute and, as you said, unique. You’ve done a wonderful job and finished just in time!

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