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Friday Fave…. nots? Friday Fails.


Hello all of ya positive optimistic lovely people! Today I am going to turn that smile upside down!!! Say what? Jk, jk. (kinda). I am embarking on a Friday Fave.. Nots, or rather, Friday Fails. Not only have I had a series of self inflicted unfortunate events as of late, but equally a series of.. humorous…events, and I feel I can’t keep these gems to myself- that’d be selfish. So allow my misfortune (all very silly – I recognize) entertain you for a brief moment. ** I hope you are not eating for this one **

  1. Dropping my keys…… in a gas station trash can… on accident. Yep, this happened. I was at a gas station last week and while throwing away empty water bottles and gum wrappers there went my keys. The moment I dropped them was a big ole’ “ohhhhh nooooo, that didn’t actually just happen, did it?”. I had to tip the whole giant trash can over, and shake it until my keys came to the surface. Y’all… I have done some not unpleasant things in my life as a nurse… and this was one of the nastiest things I have ever had to do. The worst best part? As I was getting in my car, the gas station cashier started chasing me (as I was now driving away in my car) yelling “What are you doing?!”. I was too mortified to explain… so I just zipped out of there. I think he thought I was stealing something out of it? Cause robbing a gas station trash can would be first on the list. Lesson learned: I cannot multi-task as well as I think.
  2.  Leaking leftovers. After our yummy vegan meal in the last post, I decided to take the leftovers to go. Wellllll, I discovered when I came home that my entire giant bag was saturated in their “special house sauce”. I tried washing the bag, but it was left a sad droopy version of itself. Sorry, bag. Lesson Learned: Sauce + Gravity= a sticky situation. Also, don’t put faux leather through the washing machine.

3. Unapproved Carwash. DJ occasionally will get coupons from sponsors for the Giants and one of them was a free car wash. It was about twenty-five minutes away, but worth it if it’s free, right? I drove in allll the traffic (I even scored an extra 30 minutes for an accident), passed a legit wildfire on the side of the highway, and finally arrived to the car wash. I was unclear of how to proceed- go through the car wash or go to the cashier first? Naturally upon being given a 50/50 option, I chose the wrong one. I went through the car wash assuming it would be clear how to use the coupon, and when I arrived to the payment options- I pressed for “help”. “System down, please go inside” is what the prompt read. Well, with 3 other cars behind me I didn’t want to be that person holding up the line, so I proceeded forward into the car wash paying in full (the money slot still worked). When I went inside, the cashier wouldn’t hear my explanation for a single second, and basically shooed me out the door saying I had to use the coupon first. Better luck next time. Lesson Learned: Don’t drive through a wildfire for a car wash- it ain’t worth it!

4. Dis’ popcorn. Let me tell ya. It it no bueno. I am not picky when it comes to popcorn, but this… oh this…. be away with your protein infused self!

 Lesson Learned: Just stick to the Boom Chica & Smartfood.

5. When your oatmeal does this….

#Monday in a nutshell. They say don’t cry over spilled milk. But can you cry over spilled oats?! Lesson Learned: Watch out for the “wave” in microwave.

6. Broken Headphones.

Yes, easy to replace- however I just bought these about a month ago (on sale from Amazon prime from a third party seller). Lesson Learned: Just buy the darn apple headphones, not the knockoffs!

7. K-Cup Shamed. Mmmmhmmm. At Trader Joe’s the cashier felt it his duty to remind me that it was more economically friendly to invest in the refillable K-cups at home, rather than buying actual K-cups. It is better, I acknowledge. I recycle, I try to take short showers (ok, that’s a stretch), I rarely use straws, but Trader Joe’s cashier, we can’t all be perfect. Just please scan my Reese’s peanut butter cups and let me live. Lesson Learned: You can always be more green. #conviction

8. Dis’ Moroccan Oil Shampoo. NEVER AGAIN. This stuff made my hair so tangly, greasy and heavy. Never ever ever again. No wonder it was on sale for like $6 haha! Lesson Learned: A pretty package doesn’t mean it’s a good product.

9. Beauty Fail. Confession time. This is actually a Flashback Friday Fave Not.. Remember those fake press on nails that I used for the wedding a couple weeks ago? Well have I got a story for you!! I haven’t told this to anyone yet; I think I was trying to block it out of my memory. While waiting in line to board my flight back, I was digging in my mess of a purse to find my boarding pass (Yes I realize non-mobile boarding passes are old school). Something goes flying and what do you know… it’s my nail… flying and then sliding under a suitcase of someone in front of me. I didn’t wanna be like, “Heyyyy, I dropped my fake nail under your suitcase, can you please move?”… So I waited until she moved a couple inches, watching her suitcase like a hawk, then snatched it before anyone could see. Although I’m pretty sure they couldn’t have cared less with it being 5 am. Lesson Learned: I am Murphy’s Law incarnate, and I need to get. it. together.

And this is where we meet our end. I am not going to list a number 10 because at the end of the day, the good always outweighs the bad…so I’ll leave a full 10 for my Friday Favorite posts. Life is gooood, and I feel cleansed, and I sound neurotic. Ahh. Have a wonderful day.

Xo <3

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