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New Year, New Friday Favorites!


Hey all! It’s 2021! YAYY- happy happy New Year! I know some people say it’s just another day, but I feel extra optimistic this time around that the future is brighter (although it may the third cup of coffee talking, idk). I start back up with my clinicals on Monday, so I am trying to get as much blogging done as possible today. The weekend is dedicated to more intensive review, but for now I am giving myself this block of time to dive into these posts. I have been having just a blast working on recaps. I also realize this may be the last Friday Fav I can do for a while, so I want to take advantage! Enjoy! 

  1. Kitsch Women’s Hair Coils. I was so unsure about hair coils when they became a thing a few years ago. They looked like hard non-malleable, uncomfortable plastic. However, once I started using them I never returned to the original hair ties. They keep your hair in place, are comfortable and don’t rip hair out the same way the original hair ties do. Highly recommend!

2.  New Jeans. I have the hardest time finding jeans I like, so when I find a pair that works, I wear them for years and years. This is one of my favorite pairs I have found in a long time, so I bought two pairs in “Indigo Atlas” and “Black Squared”. My mom recently asked where I got them so she could get a pair too! I love love love. Oh, and just another note- they soften up quite a bit when you wash them, especially the Indigo Atlas pair!

3. The Guest List. I actually read this book months ago, but I don’t think it ever made it onto the blog, and it should have! It’s an easy read that keeps you guessing the whole time with so many twists!

4. But I Could Never Go Vegan! While we don’t eat totally vegan, we do love trying vegan recipes and eating plant-based food. Recently we have started picking out a couple recipes per week to try from this cookbook, and we have overall loved them! The premise uses an ‘excuse’ per chapter of why someone wouldn’t go vegan, and then makes recipes that would counter that excuse. For example, one excuse is “But I could never give up cheese!” and then the whole chapter is “Cheesy” vegan dishes. Pretty fun, and it forced me out of a cooking rut.

5. The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast. With graduation around the corner, I have been inhaling as much clinical knowledge as possible. This is by far the best podcast I have come across yet- I try to listen to at least two episodes per day and keep notes on my phone as I listen. If you are a medical professional seeking out a solid medical podcast, I highly recommend this!

6. Veggie Lover’s Sweet Earth Pizza. Oh. my. goodness. I think this is my favorite vegan pizza I have ever had! Funnily enough, we discovered this pizza at a CVS of all places. I think they sell them at Target and probably other grocery stores too though.

7. 2021 Planner. Ahhh, I lovee a fresh planner! DJ finds it funny I still use a paper planner, but I just have to write everything out. Anyone else?!

8. Edamame Pasta!!! My Aunt Terry recommended this to us and we love it! I think it’s one of the best pasta substitutes we have tried, and it’s really high in protein. Yum!

9. Nite Swim by The Band Perry. DJ actually discovered this song and knew I would love it. I have it on. repeat. !

10. Schitt’s Creek. We are late to the party, but we are finally watching through Schitt’s Creek! I started it earlier in the year, but I prefer watching comedies with someone else, so I waited for when DJ and I could watch together. The first couple episodes are so-so, but then it gets really good. 

What are you loving lately? 

**Disclaimer: There are Amazon affiliate links in this post. All ideas and opinions are my own. I may receive a small compensation if you choose to purchase the products linked**.

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